Amidst tragedies

 What the COVID pandemic has brought could not prepare us of the consequences and its implications. Decisions needed to be made in order to adjust to what was then the new norm. 

A beautiful Daylily I found
while walking in the neighborhood

There have been several deaths in our family over the past year. Our family has been going through those 5 stages of grief several times and over and over again until now: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Following that, we were faced with a serious medical condition of our Dad which warranted him to have cardiac surgery.

There was no question I had to stay back in the Philippines for longer in order to help out in our family.  Otherwise, I would not be able to mentally function at work. 

It has been truly emotionally draining for the past year. 

A feeling of belonging to a
community in the
While my family and I try to emotionally, mentally and physically recover from these losses, I strive to find ways to continue to still find beauty around me. I am grateful that my family and I are grieving together. I am grateful for our friends who supported us through our ordeal. I am grateful that our family continues to hold onto our faith in God for the dire circumstances we have been through. I am grateful for the air that we breathe, the roof over our heads, and all the resources that we have.

And so as I just got back in the States in order to somewhat recharge and resume my quest for financial independence, I continue to find joy in the beauty that God has created despite our personal tragedies.