Delight in the Journey!

You can always discover something about yourself if you try things out. I recently discovered I like hiking. Hiking is not so well known in the Philippines other than those trips we used to go to as a girl scout. But here in the States, a lot of people go hiking. I've always wondered why. I never was interested to go into one until a recent invitation from my friends.

I brought my Canon camera expecting to see a nice view on top of a mountain. But contrary to what I thought I would do, I started taking pictures all throughout the hike. Not just pictures of my friends posing in from of the camera. Frankly, I have gotten tired of that. I liked it better when pictures tell a story. My brother who does photography as a hobby taught me that. I so admire his sequence of pictures that he takes. You get a clear picture of a nice story. And so that was what I tried to do.

As we were enjoying the warm weather, we ambled through the trail to the Rockland Lake in New York. What was nice about the trip was we were a group of friends who decided to do something fun together. In our journey, we learned more about each other as we treasured all the natural things around us which we rarely see especially when most of us are working in a city. I took in everything I could- water rushing against boulders, twigs that seep through the boulders, a lost deer, sunlight reflecting in the clear blue water. The reward at the end was a breathtaking view of the Rockland Lake as shown in the picture.

I realized two things: One, I discovered I liked hiking. Taking pictures all throughout makes you appreciate the trail and God's creations more. Two, hiking to get somewhere is like the journey to get to where we want to be. As we try to take steps, we should still enjoy everything around us and not rush to get to the end.

As Ben Sweetland, author of the book "Grow Rich While You Sleep" said, "Success is a journey...not a destination". Enjoy your journey!