God Knows Best!

My family knows how long I have waited to have my visa approved a few years ago. I have always wished that I could have left  immediately after graduation from college. However, God knows better. Back in the Philippines, a few years ago, I had the opportunity to work in one of the prestigious hospitals in Cebu. Along the way, I got hooked into playing badminton. It was so addictive that a few months before I left, my co-players and I were starting to be competitive. We even had badminton uniforms made for us.

When I moved to the U.S., I eventually found out that badminton is not a popular U.S. sport.  They even rarely play it for recreation. A year after, I found a badminton club where people of various races play competitively. Through this club, I met Filipinos who share the same interests as mine. A year after, a Filipino badminton club was formed.

My point is that if I had gone sooner, I would not have realized that I could love playing badminton. I would not have found my badminton family here.

God knows Best!